seedVicious v1.3

You can download the latest version of seedVicious from HERE

Alternativelly, you can download it using curl in UNIX:

curl -O ""

A User Guide is available HERE. Refer to it for full installation instructions. For a quick installation in the folder 'software' inside your home directory, type:

tar -xvf seedVicious_v1.3_x64.tar.gz
mv seedVicious_v1.3_x64 ~/software/
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/software/seedVicious_v1.3_x64' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
seedVicious --help

If you use either the web-server or the stand-alone version, please, cite this paper:

  • Marco A (2018) SeedVicious: analysis of microRNA target and near-target sites. PLOS ONE 13:e0195532.